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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Cardiovascular (Possible Replacement), Hydrochlorothiazide which is a Thiazide Diuretic, Hypertension complications if not managed kidney failure, mechanical stress on ateriole smooth muscle growth increased peripheral vascuar resistance, mechanical stress on ateriole smooth muscle growth cardiac hypertrophy, First line therapy indications CKD, Afterload defined as Resistance LV must overcome, Traditional types Age, family history, smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, Cardiac Output Avg: 5500 mL/min comprised of Stroke Volume (SV) Avg: 70-80 mL/beat, Heart Rate Produces Decreased Blood Pressure, ACEi or ARB sequential therapy CCB or Beta Blocker, Vasoconstriction ???? Increased Blood Pressure, Cardiovascular Function malfunction Cardiovascular Diseases, Physiologic Markers such as Cardiac Output Avg: 5500 mL/min, Mean Arterial Pressure determined by Distribution of blood between arterial and venous blood vessels, Stroke Volume ???? Increased Blood Pressure, Hypertension Pharmacolgically treated with Enalapril, Hypertension Patient: 57 yo African American male, Ht 5’11” wt 275lb diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, Primordial Risk Factors Traditional, Hypertension Recommended Non-Pharmacologic actions to improve BP physical activity/exercise, Hypertension Pharmacolgically treated with Hydrochlorothiazide